Saturday, August 6, 2011

Social Control

social control Social control word comes from the word 'social control'. 'Social control' or systems of social control in everyday conversation is defined as supervision by the public against the running of the government, especially government and their staff members. Truly understanding of social control is much broader. All-encompassing process of social control (planned or not), didactic, or even forcing residents to invite the public to obey the rules and prevailing social values. From these explanations it is understood that social control is an act of a person or group who carried out through a planned process whether or not with the aim to educate, invite (force or not) to comply with certain social norms and values ​​that are considered correct at the time. Also keep in mind also that social control measures can be made between (1) the individual against another individual, (2) the individual against the group, (3) group against group, and (4) groups of individuals. In everyday life, as long as all members of society are willing to obey the rules, almost certainly the life of society will be able to take place smoothly and orderly. However, hopes all members of society can behave always obedient, is certainly a costly thing. In reality, of course not everyone will always be willing and able to comply with the provisions or rules in force, and even not infrequently there are certain people who deliberately break the rules that apply to personal or group interests. Social control involves a social process that is planned or unplanned (spontaneous) to direct a person. Also, social control is basically a system and process that educate, encourage and even force citizens to behave according to social norms.
a. The system is intended to educate one's self there is a change in attitude and behavior to act in accordance with the norms. b. Systems that aim to bring one's actions are based on norms, and not according to the will of individuals. c. Forcing the system explicitly aims to influence someone to act in accordance with the norms. If he does not want to obey the rules or norms, then he will be penalized. Social control is so that members of the public comply with social norms so as to create harmony in social life. For this purpose, known to some kind of control. This classification was made according to the viewpoint from which one sees the surveillance: 1. Social control is a preventive control conducted before the breach or the version of "threatening sanctions" or the prevention of the occurrence of deviation from the norms and values. Thus, social control efforts are preventive done before a deviation occurs. 2. Control of repressive social control is performed after the offense with the intention of going to restore the state to be run as before with a run in the version of "dropping or impose, sanctions". This control serves to restore the disturbed harmony due to violation of norms or deviate behavior. To restore the situation as before, need to hold recovery. Thus, the control here aims to sensitize those who deviate about the consequences of such deviations, as well as that he abide by social norms. 3. Social control is a joint venture that aims to prevent the occurrence of deviations (preventive) as well as restore the deviations that are inconsistent with social norms (repressive). Control efforts by integrating preventive and repressive characteristics is intended to be a behavior not to deviate from the norm and if any deviation was not until the harm in question and others. 4. Control official (formal) control is based on the assignment by official bodies, such as state and religion. 5. Supervision unofficial (informal) undertaken for the sake of maintaining the rules that do not officially belong to the community. It is said unofficially because the rules themselves are not clearly defined, not found in the written law, but only to be reminded by the citizens. 6. Institutional control is the influence that comes from a cultural pattern that is owned institutions (institutions) specific. Patterns of behavior and rules of the institution not only to control the members of the institution, but also citizens who are outside the agency. 7. Impersonal control is good or bad effects that come from certain people. That is, an influential figure it can be known. Even the pedigree and history of his life, and especially his teachings are also known. From the above, education in schools can be categorized as a type of preventive and institutional control. That is because education in schools to direct and supervise the learners in order to comply with the rules and norms prevailing in society, so expect learners to think more critically in the conduct of social control against a system of government and society in the future.

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