Saturday, August 6, 2011

Education as Social Control

Education as social control School is one institution or institutions of formal education in instilling values ​​and loyalty to the traditional order of society should also serve as a school service organization to perform social control mechanisms. Durheim explains that moral education can be used to restrain or reduce the properties of selfishness in children who are an integral part of society in which the child must have the awareness and social responsibility. Through this kind of education an individual adopts the values ​​and social interaction these values ​​in their everyday lives. Furthermore, as individuals and as members of the community he is also required to provide support and strive to maintain the prevailing social order. School as an institution that serves to maintain and develop social structures and social control to use the programs of assimilation and the values ​​of diverse subgroups into which the dominant values ​​and a pattern that has a fad for some people. School serves to unify the values ​​and worldviews of diverse ethnic into one acceptable view entire ethnic. Therefore it can be said that the school serves as a means of unifying and all stream and view of life embraced by the students. For example, schools in Indonesia, the school must inculcate the values ​​of Pancasila embraced by the nation and the Indonesian state to children in school. In conjunction with its function as social control, through his doctrine of moral education which explained that through moral education, the properties of egoism children gradually reduced to reach individuals who are part of the community in which he must have the awareness and social responsibility as well as teach how efforts to regulate the social life. Through such education individuals adopt social values ​​and interaction of these values ​​in their everyday lives. Furthermore, as members of the community he is also required for the commitment, support and strive to maintain the prevailing social order. Schools as institutions that sustain and maintain the values ​​which the younger generation should follow. Schools in the daily task to constantly monitor the development of personality and behavior of his students to avoid the tendency toward destructive actions and behaviors, or actions that lead to crime. In a country where society is characterized by pluralistic, in it there is diverse streams, views of life and cultural backgrounds. In such a pluralistic situation of certain ethnic groups often try to dominate other ethnic groups with influence or even embed the effect in the extreme to impose its will. Suppressed ethnic groups may feel unfairly treated, so if it does not receive serious attention, so the bias will cause conflict and division. In such circumstances, the school serves to unify the values ​​and worldviews that are owned or the aspirations of all citizens in this school serves as an integral tool in which all the flow of beliefs and diverse view of life can come together.

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