Thursday, August 4, 2011

Living in the Ecosystem Unit

Living in the Ecosystem Unit
a. individual
Individual is a living creature, such as an ant, a bird and a tree.
b. population
Population is a collection of similar individuals that can breed and be in the same place and in the same period. Examples of population is a group of ants on the table.
c. community
Community is a collection of several kinds of populations that occupy the same area at the same time, for example community teak forests, grasslands and pine forests.
d. ecosystem
Ecosystem is the unity of the community and environment that form a reciprocal relationship between its components. Components of an ecosystem includes all living beings and non-living contained therein.
e. biomes
Biomes terrestrial ecosystems is a distinctive and wide-ranging. Ecology is a branch of science that is still relatively new, emerging in the '70s. However, ecologists have a considerable influence on the branch of biology. Ecology study how living things can defend life by coming into contact with antarmakhluk living and nonliving things in his life or the environment.

The food chain is eating events and eaten with a specific sequence.
Some food chains are interconnected to form food webs.

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