The Meaning of Education Education has a broad sense, so there is some definition is as follows: a. According to Law no. 20 of 2003 on National Education System, education is a conscious and deliberate effort to create an atmosphere of learning and the learning process so that learners are actively developing the potential for him to have the spiritual strength of religious, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character, and the skills needed him , community, nation and state. b. According to the Guidelines of State Policy GBHN 1988 imposes limits on the national education is a national education rooted in the cultures of Indonesia and based on Pancasila and the Constitution of 1945 directed to memingkatkan intelligence and can meet the needs of national development and is responsible for the development of the nation. c. According to the KI Hajar Dewantara Education as an effort to advance the character, mind and physical child in order to advance the perfection of life that is lived and brought the boy in harmony with nature and the environment. d. According to Carter V. Good Education is the process of development of one's prowess in the form of attitudes and behaviors that prevail in society. Social process in which a person is affected by something that guided the environment (especially at school) so he can reach and develop social skills kepribadiaannya. e. By: Frederick J. Mc Donald Education is a process or activity that is directed to change the behavior (behavior) of man. The meaning of behavior is any response or one's actions, something a person does.
f. According to Godfrey Thomson Education is the influence of environment upon the individual to produce the appropriate changes in the habits of behavior, the thought and feelings. g. According Darmaningtyas Say about the definition of education: education as a basic and systematic effort to reach the standard of living and better progress. h. According S.A. Bratanata Education is a deliberate effort is held either directly or in indirect ways to help children reach maturity in its development i. According Tirtarahardja and La Sula Education as a process of cultural transformation, the formation of personality, the preparation of citizens, and prepare for labor. j. According Wasty Soemanto. Education is a learning process that produces experiences that provide personal well-being, both physically and inwardly. k. According to H. Horne Education is a continuous process of (eternal) of the adjustment is higher for the human beings who have developed physically and mentally, which is free and conscious to vtuhan, as manifested in the nature around intellectual, emotional and human than human l. According Langeeveld Education is every business, influence, protection and assistance provided to children drawn to the maturation of the child or children to be more precise enough to form his own task. From some of the above definition can be inferred education is conscious and deliberate effort to realize the learning process to develop the potential to reach the standard of living and better progress.
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